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10 strategies to support University Campus Facility Management

July 03, 2015 Team Creatrix
university campus facility management

Universities are struggling to create facilities in a technology-friendly environment across the campuses in multiple locations. There are a number of campus facilities that need to support research, teaching, learning, and other operations. The mission of the university community is to provide various facilities and create an exceptional atmosphere for students, faculty, and staff.

Communication and collaboration between students and staff aren’t easy in higher education and the best practices for facilities management are not adopted in educational institutions. Once you automate the entire campus facilities you can simplify and streamline the entire range of administrative processes.

Using campus management solutions, administrators can focus on improving services to students and staff, and solve all the problems faced by the universities. The following 10 strategies can support the university campus facilities in a great many ways: 

1. Library 

Library is one of the important facility frequently used by students and faculty to support the learning and teaching needs. Using the library automation software harness the digital library resources such as eBooks, audio, video, and podcasts to improve student’s learning experience. Digital Content Management System for libraries allows universities to manage all office and academic documents, transcripts, media etc. in electronic format with digital content storage for easy retrieval from anywhere, anytime across website and mobile devices. 

2. Asset & Inventory Control 

Deploying, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing assets including equipment, consumables, library resources, and fixed assets is challenging for universities. Most of the universities struggle to manage and accurately locate their assets and inventory on their campuses. Asset and Inventory Management System leverages sophisticated identification tools such as RFID and Barcoding technologies to effectively track and maintain assets and inventory.

3. Health 

Health records management system enable institutions to manage and track the complete healthcare data and information about the students and staff in digitized format. 

4. Transportation

This facility is like a lifeline for the university and student safety is their biggest worry. Student bus tracking and Transportation Management System with GPS tracking and RFID technologies enable schools to efficiently manage routes, scheduling, and mileage. 

5. Hostel

Room reservation and allocation of hostel rooms to students can be managed online. University students can create support tickets online for quick problem resolution.
6. Canteen

Using Canteen management system, create canteen and mess menu for students along with rates. Gather student’s feedback on food preferences using online surveys. Easily generate reports on food served, canteen expenses and income generated.
7. Events 

Manage conferences, meetings, seminars, and events related to the university students and alumni with automated scheduling, profiling, registration, routing, payments and reminders.

8. Placement

Placement Management System improves the reputation and ratings of the University significantly with accurate placement data, scheduling, document management, customs reports, notifications and event scheduling. 
9. Discussion Forum

Check the latest trends on campus through online discussion forums for departments, subject updates etc. Gather user feedback/suggestions and share details of events with others.

10. Revenue Management

Make fee payments faster with web and mobile-based revenue management software. Increase collection of fees, donations and grants to generate higher revenue and improve the bottom line of the university.

Creatrix Campus is uniquely qualified to provide campus facilities management system for universities. We have experience with the campus' full range of facilities to support universities across website and mobile devices - from digital libraries to high tech transportation to campus events. We share the vision of universities to create centers of excellence in research, teaching, and support facilities and serving that mission is our basis for decision-making.