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10 ways to ensure you have the best Course Registration System for your students

December 06, 2017 Team Creatrix
Course Registration System

The course registration system is no longer a new term in higher education. An essential part for all students who have enrolled in programs offered by the college or university is the completion of registration leading to the semester. New students, transfers, and continuing students leverage the online registration system in different ways. From course scheduling to transcripts, 21st-century students expect quick and easy access to a variety of services.

Student self-registration software is designed with tools that provide informed advice to students about planning and registrations, without deviating from their academic interests. It lets them do complex prerequisite checking in just a few clicks and cleverly plan ahead their courses for on-time degree completion with success.


What is Student Course Registration System?

The student registration system has a variety of self-service options that lets students sign up for the courses all by themselves, without running to the office or taking the help of a registrar. It gives students a shopping cart experience to drag and drop courses, keep track of credit limitations, and make payments with complete user-friendliness.

The tool handles registration queries, compiles data, tracks applicant status, calculates GPA requirements, and connects with advisors, so students can easily determine what courses are required to graduate.


Features of Course Registration System




Implementing the best course registration system enhances students’ academic experience throughout their lifecycle, supports robust approval workflows, and ensures a competitive advantage for institutions.

Now is the time to enable an advanced course registration platform - take a look into the features of the student registration system below to deliver a new-generation student experience.


Self-registration schedules

Building self-registration schedules is the first step to successful registrations. This power up your registration committee to plan and build schedules at scale. Self-registration software’s configurable workflows adapt to building your institutional-specific schedules with no hassles.


Comprehensive course catalogs

Students are unsure of what courses to select to satisfy degree requirements prior to registering online. Advanced search options in the course catalog enable students to search the course database containing the up-to-date course schedules and descriptions that are offered by the institution in a term.

A sophisticated student course registration system eliminates the risk of repeating courses.


Visible requisites

Students often get a frustrating registration experience with hidden requisites. With course registration software all specific prerequisites or restrictions are listed for registering for a particular course of study. All that the students have to do is to review the rules regarding the pre-registration requirements before registering for courses.


Guided pathways

With guided pathways features, students talk about their academic plans with advisors to finish their degrees more quickly! Once the course registration is submitted by students, the advisor will review the course selections of students in the course registration software and verify they are taking the appropriate classes and reasonable course load to meet the graduation requirement. The advisor can approve or deny specific courses for registration and include explanatory comments.


Flexible add/drop of courses

Online course registration enables students who are enrolled for the current semester to add or drop courses for each term within the designated registration period and with the appropriate advisor's approval in no time.

Creation of course section

Each course is divided into different sections due to classroom capacity constraints and the number of students registered for the course. Using student registration software, students can choose between the sections which are housed under different courses.

Visible credit loads with degree audit

All the courses are assigned credits that carry a load spread over the term. Course registration software these days comes with highly intuitive GPA calculators that help students be aware of their credit loads prior to registering for their courses.

Students can easily estimate the credits they should have and how many more they need to complete their degree.

Schedule meetings with meeting patterns

Students are allowed to select their preferred meeting slots to connect with their advisors for a better course selection.

On-the-go fee payments

Automatically generate an invoice for each study period which contains the details of course registration and fee summary to ensure the financial obligations to the institute are met by the relevant due dates. Students can make online fee payments for courses registered during the term with the approval of the academic advisor.

Instant notification triggers

Get automatic notifications for course registration by email and messaging. Real-time status tracking of advisor approval for the registered courses enables students to get information about eligibility for registration on desktop and mobile devices.


Winding up - Creatrix Student Registration Software

The bottom line is that an automated course registration platform delivers a better student experience and better student retention. Modern students can register for courses independently in convenient mobile locations and stay on a clear track toward their graduation. Connect with experts to know how we add better student experiences to your students with our course registration system.