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12 ways online curriculum mapping supports competency based education

June 17, 2023 Team Creatrix
How Online curriculum mapping support Enhances Competency-Based Education

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Competency-based education (CBE) is an innovative approach to learning that focuses on students' mastery of specific skills and knowledge rather than traditional seat time. It allows students to progress at their own pace, ensuring they have a deep understanding of the subject matter before moving on.

To effectively implement CBE, educational institutions can harness the power of online curriculum mapping. This dynamic tool provides numerous benefits and supports the principles of competency-based education. In this blog post, we will explore the ways online curriculum mapping facilitates and enhances the implementation of CBE.


What is curriculum mapping?

Curriculum mapping is a systematic process that involves identifying, organizing, and aligning the various components of a curriculum. It provides a visual representation and detailed documentation of what is taught, when it is taught, and how it aligns with desired learning outcomes and standards.

Curriculum mapping allows educators to analyze and evaluate the coherence and effectiveness of their curriculum, ensuring that it meets the needs of students and aligns with educational goals. It helps educators identify gaps, redundancies, and areas for improvement, leading to a more comprehensive and purposeful curriculum design. By mapping the curriculum, educators gain a clear understanding of the sequence, progression, and connections between different topics and skills, facilitating effective instruction and assessment.


Key roles curriculum mapping plays in competency-based education



Curriculum mapping plays several key roles in competency-based education. Here's an overview.


Identification and Sequencing of Competencies:

Curriculum mapping helps in identifying the core competencies or learning outcomes that students should achieve. These competencies are defined based on the desired knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for success in a particular subject or discipline. Mapping ensures a logical and sequential progression of competencies, allowing students to build upon their skills progressively.


Alignment with Standards and Learning Objectives:

Curriculum mapping ensures that the identified competencies align with relevant standards, whether they are state, national, or industry-specific. It helps to link the broader learning objectives with the specific competencies, ensuring that the curriculum is well-aligned with the desired outcomes and requirements.


Design of Learning Activities and Resources:

Curriculum mapping supports the design and selection of appropriate learning activities and resources that facilitate the development of competencies. It helps educators map out a range of instructional strategies, projects, assignments, and resources that provide students with opportunities to practice and demonstrate their competency attainment.


Assessment and Evaluation:

Curriculum mapping assists in aligning assessments and evaluation methods with the identified competencies. It ensures that the assessments accurately measure students' mastery of the desired knowledge, skills, and abilities. By mapping assessments to competencies, educators can effectively track and evaluate student progress, providing targeted feedback and support for improvement.


Individualization and Personalized Learning:

Curriculum mapping allows for individualization and personalized learning experiences within a competency-based framework. By tracking student progress in mastering competencies, educators can identify areas of strength and areas that need further attention. This enables personalized instruction and interventions, ensuring that each student receives the support necessary to achieve competency mastery.


Continuous Improvement and Adaptation:

Curriculum mapping facilitates continuous improvement by providing data and insights into the effectiveness of the curriculum. Educators can analyze the data collected from assessments and student performance to identify areas for enhancement or modification. This iterative process helps refine the curriculum, ensuring that it remains responsive to student needs and evolving educational contexts.


How can institutions use curriculum mapping to improve CBE programs?


ways how curriculum mapping supports CBE


Curriculum mapping can significantly contribute to improving learning outcomes by providing a structured and intentional approach to curriculum design, implementation, and evaluation. Here are 12 ways online curriculum mapping supports competency-based education:

1. Improved Learning Experience

Curriculum mapping significantly improves the learning experience in competency-based education by providing a clear and structured pathway for students to develop and demonstrate specific competencies. It ensures that students have a transparent roadmap to follow, outlining the sequence of learning activities, resources, and assessments required to master each competency. This personalized approach allows educators to identify individual student needs and tailor instruction accordingly, providing targeted support and fostering a deeper understanding of the competencies. By mapping the curriculum, students gain a sense of direction, purpose, and progression, leading to a more engaging and effective learning experience that ultimately enhances their overall competency attainment and success.


2. Build competency-based curricula

Curriculum mapping, along with the Competency-based Curriculum Builder tool, plays a crucial role in building a competency-based curriculum. It helps identify and define the specific competencies students need to acquire, aligns learning activities and assessments with those competencies, sequences the curriculum to ensure progression, facilitates resource planning, and enables ongoing evaluation and improvement. The Competency-based Curriculum Builder tool simplifies the curriculum development process by providing a user-friendly platform for educators to create and customize competency-based curricula, saving time and effort while promoting effective competency-based education practices.


3. Meet the Standards-based Instruction

Curriculum mapping plays a pivotal role in meeting standards-based instruction in competency-based education. By mapping the curriculum to the relevant standards, educators ensure that the learning experiences and assessments align with the specific requirements and expectations outlined by the standards.

Curriculum mapping allows educators to identify the corresponding competencies, skills, and knowledge associated with each standard and design learning activities that target those specific outcomes. It ensures that the curriculum addresses all the necessary standards and provides a clear roadmap for instruction. Mapping also enables educators to monitor and track student progress toward meeting the standards, allowing for timely interventions and support.

 curriculum mapping support


4. Create concept maps for meaningful learning experiences

By mapping the curriculum, educators can discover and connect essential concepts and competencies, offering a visual depiction of the relationships between distinct ideas and skills. This mapping approach aids in the creation of idea maps that depict the growth and connectivity of knowledge and competencies across the curriculum.

Students can use concept maps to view the "big picture" of their learning journey, understand the underlying relationships between concepts, and build a more holistic understanding of the subject matter.


5. Develop a structured curriculum framework

A curriculum mapping system like Creatrix Campus offers customizable templates that greatly support competency-based education. These templates provide a structured framework for mapping the curriculum to specific competencies, ensuring consistency and alignment across courses and programs.

Educators can utilize these templates to easily identify and define the desired competencies, specify learning activities and assessments, and establish the progression of skills and knowledge. The customizable nature of the templates allows educators to adapt them to their institution's unique needs and requirements, making them a flexible tool for designing competency-based curricula.

curriculum framework


6. Map EPAs

A curriculum mapping system plays a crucial role in mapping EPAs (Entrustable Professional Activities) for competency-based education.

By utilizing a curriculum mapping system, educators can identify and align EPAs with specific competencies and learning activities. The system provides a platform to map out the progression and integration of EPAs throughout the curriculum, ensuring that students have ample opportunities to practice and demonstrate these activities. It allows educators to define the milestones and criteria for assessing EPAs, track student progress, and provide targeted feedback.

With a curriculum mapping system, educators can effectively integrate EPAs into the curriculum, ensuring that students acquire the necessary professional skills and competencies required for their future careers.

The system provides a comprehensive view of how EPAs are distributed across courses and programs, facilitating curriculum coherence and ensuring that students are well-prepared to meet the demands of their profession in competency-based education.


7. Create curriculum units & lesson plans

A curriculum mapping system helps in developing curriculum units and lesson plans for competency-based education. It provides a platform for educators to align curriculum units with specific competencies and design corresponding lesson plans.

The system ensures a coherent progression of learning, facilitates collaboration among educators, and promotes consistency in curriculum design. With a curriculum mapping system, educators can create well-structured curriculum units and lesson plans that effectively foster the development of competencies in competency-based education.


8. Create flexible schedules

An online calendar is a great tool that helps teachers map or organize their lesson plans and units throughout the academic session.

A curriculum mapping system aids in managing the curriculum calendar for competency-based education. It allows educators to map out the timing and sequence of competencies, learning activities, and assessments throughout the academic year. This ensures a well-paced and organized learning experience, enabling efficient curriculum management and successful implementation of competency-based education.


9. Result-oriented Assessments

A curriculum mapping system plays a significant role in facilitating result-oriented assessments for competency-based education. The system allows educators to align assessments with specific competencies, ensuring that students' learning outcomes are accurately measured.

Educators can create assessment rubrics and criteria within the mapping system, enabling clear and consistent evaluation of student performance. The system also provides a platform for educators to track and analyze assessment data, allowing for ongoing monitoring of student progress and identification of areas for improvement.


10. Faculty Evaluation & Student Surveys

A curriculum mapping system supports faculty evaluation and student surveys in competency-based education. It seamlessly integrates faculty evaluation tools, allowing educators to assess their competency-based instruction.

The Faculty Management Software enables administrators to set evaluation criteria, collect feedback from students and peers, and track faculty development. Additionally, it facilitates student surveys to gather insights on curriculum effectiveness, competency relevance, and instructional quality.


11. Discussion Forum

A curriculum mapping system encourages conversations in competency-based education by providing a platform for educators to construct and lead relevant dialogue. It enables the incorporation of discussion activities into the curriculum, so increasing student collaboration and critical thinking.

The system also allows educators to monitor and measure student participation, providing a dynamic learning environment.


12. Advanced Security

A curriculum mapping system ensures advanced security in competency-based education by implementing robust measures. It provides secure user authentication, access control, and data encryption to protect sensitive curriculum information. The system also enables monitoring of user activities to prevent security breaches.

With a curriculum mapping system like Creatrix Campus, institutions can maintain the confidentiality and integrity of their competency-based education data. It offers a 360-degree protection security system to institutions with role-based authorization & authentication before any data is retrieved. This eliminates all unintended security holes in the application. The system is designed to eliminate all brute-force virus attacks and security vulnerabilities to render them ineffective.


Winding thoughts

As institutions embrace this transformative approach, they need a reliable and innovative partner to guide them through the curriculum mapping process for their full-fledged competency-based programs.

Creatrix Campus, with its cutting-edge curriculum mapping system, provides the expertise and tools necessary to effectively implement and manage competency-based education. With Creatrix, institutions can harness the power of online curriculum mapping to unlock the full potential of their students and deliver a truly personalized and impactful learning experience. Contact our team now.