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The process of obtaining NZQA accreditation for quality assurance

March 14, 2023Team Creatrix
NZQA accreditation

New Zealand is known for its exceptional education system and highly qualified professionals in various fields. As an international education provider, obtaining accreditation from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is crucial to ensure the quality and credibility of your institution's education programs.

The process of obtaining NZQA accreditation can seem daunting at first, but it is essential for any education provider seeking to attract international students and establish a reputable brand.

In this blog post, we will provide a detailed overview of the steps involved in obtaining NZQA accreditation and highlight the key requirements that education providers must meet to achieve this accreditation.


What is the NZQA international qualifications assessment?

The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is responsible for accrediting tertiary education providers in New Zealand. This includes universities, polytechnics, private training establishments, and other providers of tertiary education.

To be accredited by NZQA, institutions must meet certain criteria and demonstrate that they can provide high-quality education and training that meets the standards set by NZQA.

The purpose of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is to ensure that the qualifications and education provided in New Zealand are credible, high-quality, and internationally recognized.


The main functions of NZQA


main functions of NZQA


  • Setting and maintaining standards for qualifications offered in New Zealand
  • Assessing and approving qualifications for recognition within New Zealand and internationally
  • Supporting the delivery of quality-assured education and training
  • Providing guidance and resources for education providers to improve quality
  • Monitoring and reporting on the quality of education and training in New Zealand
  • NZQA also provides assessment and accreditation services to international education providers and programs seeking recognition in New Zealand. This includes assessing the quality and equivalence of overseas qualifications and providing guidance on how to meet New Zealand's education standards.

Overall, NZQA plays a critical role in ensuring the quality and recognition of education and training in New Zealand, both domestically and internationally.


NZQF structure – levels and qualification types

The New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) is a hierarchical framework that organizes qualifications based on their level of complexity and depth of learning. The NZQF has 10 levels, with level 1 being the most basic and level 10 being the highest.


New Zealand Qualifications Framework structure


Here is a brief overview of the levels and qualification types in the NZQF:

Level 1-2: Certificates

Level 1 certificates are basic, entry-level qualifications that demonstrate foundation knowledge and skills.

Level 2 certificates are more advanced, and may include specialized or technical skills.


Level 3-4: Certificates and Diplomas

Level 3 certificates and diplomas provide a broader range of knowledge and skills, often in vocational or professional fields.

Level 4 certificates and diplomas build on the knowledge and skills gained at level 3, and may include more complex or specialized learning.


Level 5-7: Diplomas, Degrees, and Graduate Diplomas

Level 5 diplomas and degrees provide a comprehensive understanding of a field of study, and may include a mix of theory and practical application.

Level 6 degrees build on the knowledge and skills gained at level 5, and often require independent research and analysis.

Level 7 degrees and graduate diplomas provide advanced knowledge and skills in a specialized area of study, often with a focus on research.


Level 8-10: Postgraduate Diplomas and Degrees

At level 8, there are four different types of qualifications, including Postgraduate Certificates, Postgraduate Diplomas, Bachelor Honours Degrees, and Bachelor Honours Degrees (First Year).

Level 9 qualifications include Master's Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, and Postgraduate Certificates.

Level 10 qualifications are the highest level offered by the NZQF and include Doctoral Degrees.


How to get NZQA accredited? The accreditation process for higher education providers

The step-by-step process of NZQA is as follows;

Step 1: Determine if your institution is eligible for accreditation. NZQA has specific criteria that an institution must meet to be eligible for accreditation. You can check the NZQA website for the eligibility criteria and submit them to NZQA for review.

Step 2: NZQA evaluates the proposed qualification against the NZQF criteria, which includes areas such as educational outcomes, structure, and comparability to similar qualifications.

Step 3: If the qualification meets the NZQF criteria, NZQA approves the qualification and adds it to the NZQF.

Step 4: Providers can then offer the approved qualification, and students can enroll in the program.

Step 5: Providers are required to provide regular reports to NZQA on the performance of the qualification and student outcomes, which are used to ensure ongoing quality assurance.

Step 6: At the end of the program, students are assessed against the qualification's learning outcomes, which are reviewed by the provider and verified by NZQA.

Step 7: If the student successfully completes the qualification, they are awarded a certificate or diploma, depending on the level of the qualification.

Step 8: For qualifications at Levels 8-10, NZQA requires additional quality assurance processes, such as external peer review of research components, to ensure the quality of the research and outcomes.

Step 9: For doctoral degrees at Level 10, NZQA requires a rigorous examination process, including an external examination of the student's thesis by an international expert.

Step 10: Once the qualification is successfully completed, the provider reports the student's achievement to NZQA, and the qualification is added to the student's NZQF record.

Overall, NZQA's process for approving and monitoring qualifications at Levels 5 to 10 is designed to ensure that all qualifications meet the NZQF's standards of quality, comparability, and coherence and that students receive a high-quality education that prepares them for success in their chosen careers.


What is NZQA’s assessment report?

After the assessment process is completed, NZQA will provide an assessment report to the institution or program being assessed. The assessment report will include an

Evaluation of the institution or program: The assessment report will provide an evaluation of the institution or program against the relevant standards and criteria. This will include strengths and weaknesses identified during the assessment process.

Recommendations: Based on the evaluation, NZQA will provide recommendations for improvement, if necessary. These recommendations may include suggestions for enhancing program quality, improving student outcomes, or strengthening institutional policies and procedures.

Accreditation decision: The assessment report will also include a decision regarding accreditation. If the institution or program meets the required standards and criteria, it will receive accreditation. If the standards and criteria are not met, the institution or program may need to make improvements and undergo reassessment.

It is important to note that the assessment report is confidential and intended only for the institution or program being assessed. The report should be reviewed carefully and any recommendations should be implemented to improve the quality of education and ensure compliance with NZQA standards.


New Zealand quality assurance NZQF ongoing developments


New Zealand Qualifications Framework development


The New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) is a living framework that continues to evolve and adapt to meet the changing needs of learners, employers, and society. Ongoing development of the NZQF is important to ensure that it remains relevant, credible, and responsive to the needs of learners and the changing demands of the workforce.

Some of the key ongoing development activities of the NZQF include:

The Review and update of qualifications: NZQA regularly reviews and updates the qualifications listed on the NZQF to ensure that they remain up-to-date and relevant to industry needs.

Development of new qualifications: NZQA works with industry and other stakeholders to develop new qualifications that address emerging skill needs and reflect changes in the workplace.

Recognition of micro-credentials: NZQA is exploring ways to recognize and quality assure micro-credentials, which are short courses or modules that provide targeted training in specific skills.

Alignment with international frameworks: NZQA works with international partners to align the NZQF with other national and international qualifications frameworks, making it easier for New Zealand qualifications to be recognized overseas and for overseas qualifications to be recognized in New Zealand.

Ongoing quality assurance: NZQA regularly reviews and updates its quality assurance processes to ensure that they remain effective and robust, and to respond to changes in the education sector.

Through these ongoing development activities, the NZQF aims to ensure that New Zealand's education and training system continues to provide high-quality qualifications that meet the needs of learners and the changing demands of the workforce.


What is the NZQA assessment processing time for higher education providers?

The processing time for NZQA assessments of higher education providers can vary depending on several factors, such as the type and complexity of the assessment, the quality of the evidence provided, and the workload of NZQA assessors.

According to the NZQA website, the processing time for applications from higher education providers is typically between 10 and 20 working days from the date all required information is received by NZQA. However, some assessments may take longer if they require additional information or clarification, or if they are particularly complex.

It's important to note that these processing times are indicative only and subject to change, so it's best to check directly with NZQA for up-to-date information on processing times for specific assessments.


The NZQA assessment cost

The cost of the NZQA assessment varies depending on the type of assessment and the complexity of the institution or program being assessed. The fees for NZQA assessment are set annually by the New Zealand government and are subject to change.

As of 2023, the fees for some of the most common NZQA assessment types are as follows:


NZQA assessment cost


It is important to note that these fees are subject to change and may not include additional costs, such as travel expenses for site visits or additional documentation required for assessment.

Note* If you are considering NZQA assessment, it is recommended to contact NZQA directly to obtain a quote for your specific situation and to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding the assessment process and fees.


Contact team Creatrix Campus for end-to-end NZQA assessment and accreditation

The process of obtaining NZQA accreditation for higher education institutions can be complex and time-consuming, but it can also provide significant benefits in terms of credibility, reputation, and access to funding and support.

If you're looking for expert guidance and support to help you navigate the accreditation process, then contacting the Creatrix Campus team could be the solution for you. With their end-to-end NZQA assessment and accreditation services, you can ensure that your institution meets the required standards and regulations to operate as an accredited provider.

Creatrix Accreditation Software platform helps HEIs check their eligibility, submit applications and supporting documentation, maintain ongoing compliance with NZQA standards, assist through the full evaluation by NZQA, etc. Don't hesitate to reach out to Creatrix Campus and take the first step toward achieving accreditation for your higher education institution.


Disclaimer: Creatrix Campus is not an accreditation agency and does not provide accreditation. Rather, our accreditation software streamlines and automates the accreditation process, including that of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). Our software helps educational institutions to organize their accreditation data, manage compliance, track progress, and generate reports more efficiently. The ultimate accreditation decision remains with the accrediting agency, such as the NZQA, and our software is designed to support institutions in meeting the agency's requirements.