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Top 10 advantages of online admission system in higher education

January 10, 2022 Team Creatrix
Top 10 advantages of online admission system in higher education

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The advantages of the online admission system are vast and many. It assists educational institutions in easily managing their student admission process in real-time, which otherwise is a maze-like scenario with many complications like emails, calls, interviews, back-and-forth emails, and follow-ups. The right college admission management software can be a boon not only for the admission team but also for the students.



While the admission team reduces common problems like data entry, designing forms, document collection, verifying, qualifying, and coordinating processes students the online way of managing admissions is all about creating an online profile, preparing the supporting documents, submitting the application, getting shortlisted for the interview, final selection, followed by offer acceptance.  The online admission management system makes the entire onboarding process easy to navigate, intuitive, and secure.

This blog is a call out to all higher education decision-makers whose admission committee is always on their toes. We have listed out the top 10 advantages, which will help you in your next steps.


What is an online admission management system?

Whether a college, university, or institute, your primary goal is to boost enrollments. The online admission management system is a digitized way of managing the student admission and enrollment processes effortlessly.

The module is efficient in capturing student inquiries, checking their eligibility, creating follow-ups, collecting documents, and completing the application process automatically. The online admission management system further allows students to apply online, submit their documents, check their application status, attend interviews, pay fees online, and enroll.


Why do higher education institutes need online admission software?

According to VerifiedMarketResearch, the Admissions Software Market size in 2020 was esteemed at USD 902.88 Million and is forecasted to reach USD 2 Billion by 2028. The market rate is expanding at a CAGR of 12.31% from 2021 to 2028.


Source: Verifiedmarketresearch


Admission software has enabled schools to save man-hours of its staff, and eventually additional labor costs. Lowering prices and increasing applications of admission software will further drive their demand over the coming years.

The Global Admissions Software Market report provides a holistic evaluation of the market. The report offers a comprehensive analysis of key segments, trends, drivers, restraints, competitive landscape, and factors that are playing a substantial role in the market.

Of course, the admission cycle is lengthy and unmanageable. With the number of admitting applicants increasing every year, the process has become cumbersome too. It involves bundles of paperwork – right from student lead generation to document collection, selection, and the final admissions, everything applies to time-consuming manual work.


why do you need an advantages of online admission system


Higher ed institutions are preferring to analyze applicants’ prospects based on real-time data. This thought has been forcing the demand for admission software to handle multiple registrations at a time and to connect multiple touchpoints. A dynamic and customizable way of conducting admissions with self-service application portals makes the admission process seamless for both the applicants and those on the admission committee.


Top 10 advantages of Online Admission system in higher education institutions


advantages of admission management software


1. Flexibility and convenience to Applicants

The online admission management system gives applicants the best user experience by allowing them to access via their favorite mobile devices, or through a PC. Unlike a regular queuing up in a real-life scenario, the process allows them to submit their applications in just a few swipes, from wherever they are around the world. This way, there is no messy handwriting, postal disconnectivity, or courier delay which disrupts the whole application process. Online admission systems can be a great boon to even candidates in rural areas or those with disabilities. They feel they have a constant guide who is engaging them throughout their admission process with a hassle-free online college admission system.


2. A boon for institutions

Universities and campuses can turn advantageous by saving a lot of their time and effort with an admission automation tool. It filters the best-fitting applicants from the whole and processes only those who suit the specific selection criteria into the next step of admissions. All crucial students' information, their files, and documents are saved in the cloud database, which facilitates easy information sharing and retrieval whenever needed without any hassles. The unnecessary expenses of processing applications and utilizing huge manpower to manage bulky admissions are sliced away with the help of an online application system. Besides, the admission team also gets to work in peace with sanity.


3. The advantage to self-register

The online college admission enrollment system provides online application forms for admission, registration, enrollment, fees, hostel, and canteen. Students can register and easily apply to their preferred university by logging into their student portal, uploading scanned documents like mark sheets, bonafide, making the registration fees online, doing applicant tracking by receiving auto notification about their admission process, and finally taking tests and confirming admission.


4. Increases efficiency of the admission team with zero errors

Imagine a university that accepts hundreds to thousands of applications in a single day. This lengthy paperwork can be a catalyst for errors. On the contrary, the online way of conducting admission is flawless, completely reliable, and rules out errors. With automated admission management, the team can simply oversee the admission process without the trouble of any time-consuming manual tasks. All that's needed is tweaking the workflow to suit your requirements from creating a student portal to document submission, selection, and announcement of shortlisted candidates till the final payment and enrollment.


5. Handles unlimited applicants and applications

What's even more advantage of an admission software is its no limitation when it comes to handling applications. It is highly scalable and allows an unlimited number of applications for countless users, courses, and programs.


6. Seamless application tracking & communication

Powerful communication, collaboration, and automation tools enable administrators in higher education institutes to track application history and status, send automatic email alerts and reminders across the website and mobile devices, send relevant and personalized information as they apply online, get shortlisted for assessment tests and interviews and selected to courses based on the ranking of applicants.


7. Trouble-free admission monitoring

The online admission system is designed to monitor every nuance without any delays. Right from sending timely updates to scheduling follow-ups and interviews, the system takes care of it all. Similarly, the applicants can easily track the progress all by themselves, at the touch of a button.


8. Sets the best recruitment benchmark for your institution

By automating the steps to admission and enrollment, the admission committee establishes an outstanding admission and enrollment benchmark and boosts the efficiency of their institution like never before. With options to conduct open admission, predefine eligibility criteria, filter the most eligible students, and verify and close the admission process, your institution would outshine in its student enrollment process.


9. Supports multilingual admissions

International students are finding it difficult to access the database in the local language. Localized databases enable administrators to target multi-ethnic and multi-racial students who can access language-specific information through multiple channels. This will ensure doors of higher education are wide open to as many students as possible.


10. Empowered teams with data insights

The online admission and enrollment platform offers admissions and enrollment teams the much-needed reporting and data insights needed to effectively target the most qualified prospects. With the most dynamic and user-friendly enrollment processes, a small move that happens to students’ profiles is immediately reflected in real-time and reaches the candidates on time. The online admission software helps institutes monitor the ongoing admissions process from time to time. The dashboards can help to capture the day-to-day progress of the admission, with complete analytics-driven student admission reports.


Move good institutions to greatness

What elevates a good institution into the realm of academic greatness? Delivering great results rather than simply good institutions offers significant long-term benefits in student enrollment, retention, and success.

With educational institutions competing to maximize student admission, the opportunity is ripe for educators to meet and exceed the expectations of students and faculty with an online admission system, and ensure a high return on their investment.

Creatrix’s online admission management system seamlessly manages the entire student lifecycle from prospect to alumni. It has AI-based tools to turn complex institutional data and intelligence into your institution’s benchmark and improvement. The admission software makes the whole process easy for the prospect, applicant, administrator, student, and alumni.

Contact us to learn how our customizable student admissions system has adept workflows to make your operations smooth and efficient.