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Outcome Based Education on Student Success
NAAC Accreditation Process

The NAAC Accreditation Process and Self-study Report (SSR)

March 12, 2020Team Creatrix

The NAAC Accreditation process is something that every stakeholder in higher education institutions should be aware of. We assume we now have a fair idea about the entirety of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with our massive blog posted. With that as a base, we thought we would now focus in-depth on the NAAC accreditation meaning, the Assessment and Accreditation (A&A) process, and the NAAC self-study Report in this post.


NBA accreditation criteria

Stay ahead of the curve - NBA accreditation criteria

February 07, 2020Team Creatrix

You must have read enough about NBA accreditation from our previous blogs. We thought we would now move further to tipping on a few facets of the NBA accreditation criteria. Before that let us stress what we have already done.


Understanding the National Board of Accreditation (NBA Accreditation)

Understanding the National Board of Accreditation (NBA Accreditation)

December 18, 2019Team Creatrix

There is a furor everywhere about the National Board of Accreditation being made a mandate by 2022. Running a technical institute without the NBA needs a gear-up. Gaining this hallmark quality needs a certain understanding.

You will find answers to most of your National Board of Accreditation-related uncertainties in this blog. Besides you would also know the What, When, Why, and How of it. Read on.


5 Different Ways to Map Learning Outcomes

5 Different Ways to Map Learning Outcomes

May 16, 2019Team Creatrix

When it comes to mapping learning outcomes, the secret lies in various ways it is done. The rising demand in today’s institutions has left the departments to ruminate on course content, curricular goals, a regular and systematic review process of the goals, how courses support the attainment of the goals, and how these goals are assessed. This is absolutely where mapping creeps in. With the advent of outcome-based education, mapping has become a more crucial concept.

Competency Based Education

Colleges turn to digital solutions to improve student outcomes in competency-based learning

December 01, 2016Team Creatrix

Competency-based education (CBE) programs are transforming higher education by personalized learning and enabling students to earn a college degree at their own pace while developing real-world job skills. 

Competency-based education


Twelve accreditation problems of institutions outcome-based education software can solve

May 27, 2016Team Creatrix

Accreditation is about assuring threshold quality as well as assuring quality improvement in higher education institutions and programs. Colleges, universities and higher education institutes should ensure academic quality. The goal of accreditation is to ensure that education provided by institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality.

Attendance Management System

6 super teacher tools for improving learning outcomes

April 15, 2016Team Creatrix

This is what happens in a classroom. When you teach a hard topic in Mathematics, most of the students will find it difficult to solve the problem. Very few knew the right answer even after you worked with some examples. When you teach again for few more minutes, few more students can find the right answer. When you take the problem the other way and teach with videos and slides, many will think it is easy. As a result of this experience, students can learn very quickly and no one had to come for after-school tutoring. 


Online assessment management system enhances student learning outcomes

March 03, 2016Team Creatrix

Many academic institutions are increasingly feeling the need for revamping the assessment pattern. A flexible assessment data management system enables institutions to manage data related to coursework, quizzes, tests, and examinations, and generate reports to evaluate student performance.  The system is built around academic goals to improve student learning and outcomes and help educational institutions to take informed decisions. The education assessment platform works on multiple platforms – cloud, web and mobile.